Tips and Guides

The Ultimate Guide to Making Smart Choices at the Grocery Store

The Ultimate Guide to Making Smart Choices at the Grocery Store

The Different types of Produce at a Supermarket

When grocery shopping, choosing the best types of produce can be a massive headache. With so many different labels in the food market nowadays such as “organic”, "cage-free”, and "grass-fed", many people can spend a lot of extra time at a grocery store deciding what to get and if the higher price tag on some of these items is worth the investment. Hopefully after reading this article you can have a better understanding of these labels to make more informed choices next time you visit the supermarket. 

Organic Produce

Organic produce is produce that is grown without synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers. The main benefits of buying organic produce is that since they contain fewer pesticide residues, they can in turn reduce your exposure to potentially harmful chemicals. People also tend to opt in to organic produce due to ethical concerns, as organic farming practices are generally more sustainable and environmentally friendly, promoting soil health and reducing pollution. If reducing pesticide exposure and supporting sustainable farming are important to you, organic produce can be worth the extra cost. Especially when buying produce out of the dirty dozen If you are running a tight budget but still want to limit pesticides in your diet, you can soak your produce in a baking soda solution to save money.


Eggs have a large number of labels, such as “cage-free”, “pasture raised”, or “omega-3 enriched”, these labels all have different meanings and can be a bit misleading. 


This means hens are not in cages but are kept in large barns. It can be misleading as although they are not caged, they can still be kept in crowded and poor conditions with no outdoor access. 


Hens have some access to the outdoors but the access can be very limited and also not created equally. This does allow for the hens however to have a bit more opportunities for natural behaviors such as foraging. 


Hens have more outdoor space (108 square ft. per hen) which allows for more foraging, exercise, and gives the hens more humane conditions. This is your best option however can come with a higher price tag due to the higher welfare standards. 

Omega-3 Enriched

Hens are fed a diet with flaxseed and fish oil to increase omega-3 content and make them more nutritious. However this does not indicate that the Hens have better living conditions to conduct natural behaviors. 


Hens are fed organic feed that is free from pesticides and GMO products. However this also does not mean that the Hens are given good living conditions to take part in their natural behaviors. 

For those concerned with animal welfare, interested in higher nutrient content, and better taste, pasture-raised products are a good investment. The ability to allow the hens to be outdoors and forage for insects, worms, seeds, and grasses, give them a more diverse and natural diet compared to hens fed primarily on grain-based feeds. This varied diet increases the nutritional value and quality of the eggs they produce compared to hens that are fed with primarily grain-based feeds. Eggs however, regardless of the way hens are brought up, are still one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. Eggs are packed with high-quality protein, vitamins A, D, E, B12, riboflavin, folate, and minerals like iron and selenium, supporting muscle health, immune function, bone health, and energy production. They also contain choline, essential for brain health, and antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, which promote eye health. If you can only afford to buy cage-free or the cheapest eggs at your supermarket, then go for that, as it will still be a much healthier option than a majority of the processed foods found in grocery stores today. 


Chicken has more or less the same marketing labels as eggs that all have the same meaning when shopping for chicken. There are however a few extra ones found that will be explained below. 


Very misleading marketing term, adding hormones to chicken has actually been illegal since the 1970s and is also banned in many other countries. This label does not indicate better living conditions and is just a basic standard for all chicken sold in America. 

No Antibiotics Ever

This states that chickens are never raised on antibiotics and can be a great option for those concerned with the risk of antibiotic resistance. However, still does not mean the chickens are raised in great living conditions that allow them to participate in natural behaviors. 


Air-chilled chicken is chicken that is slaughtered and chilled individually with cold air compared to the conventional water-chilling method. This method can significantly decrease the risk of contamination between birds, making it a safer and more sanitary option for consumers. Additionally, the chilling process can enhance flavor and texture due to its ability to retain juices. 

Just like stated with eggs, opting in for pasture-raised, air chilled, and organic chicken products are probably gonna be the preferred option for those seeking the highest nutrient quality, the most flavorful, and the safer poultry products. However, as also stated before, these labels also come with a bigger price tag, and although the investment is more often than not worth it, for those with a tighter budget these options may not always be suitable. Chicken provides high-quality protein, B vitamins (especially niacin and B6), and minerals like phosphorus and selenium, which support muscle growth, energy production, and immune function. Therefore, buy the chicken that fits within your budget, as it is still a great option to include in your diet for the numerous health benefits it provides. 



Beef with the label stating its natural simply means the product does not contain any artificial ingredients or added color. Although this means there are fewer additives, it does not address animal welfare or the diet the cattle is on. 

No Added Hormones

As stated previously with regards to chicken, hormone use in poultry and pork has been banned for many years in the US and other countries. Although this can give an assurance that hormones were not used, it can be a bit misleading as it's already prohibited. 

No Antibiotics Ever

Means that antibiotics have never been used on the cattle in its entire life. This can reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance for those concerned and may indicate better health management practices. 


Animals are raised on certified organic feed, which is free from synthetic pesticides and GMOs. Organic also means that the cattle often have access to the outdoors which may signify higher welfare standards but may still be fed grain instead of a full grass fed diet, which is not necessarily a bad thing depending what you're looking for.  


Grass-fed beef comes from cattle that have been fed a diet primarily of grass, rather than grain. Grass-fed beef often has higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), and certain vitamins and antioxidants compared to grain-fed beef due to their ability to forage. Some people also claim a better taste, however this type of beef is usually the most expensive of the bunch.


Animals are fed a diet that includes grains, typically corn and soy. This sometimes raises concern for consumers who are worried about GMOs and pesticides that may be in the grain feed if the label does not state organic. It may also contain lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids and CLA compared to grass-fed but you can just eat a bit more of it to achieve the same dietary nutrients. 

For those consumers with a bigger budget, opting in for beef with labels such as “organic” and “grass-fed” are probably gonna be the best investment for your body. As these labels ensure the cattle are raised in higher farming standards and have access to outdoors leading to the ability for the cattle to participate in more natural behaviors. However, as preached throughout this article, beef is one of the most nutritious superfoods on the planet and any type of beef you are able to buy on your budget at the supermarket will be extremely beneficial for your health. Beef is a rich source of high-quality protein, iron, zinc, B vitamins, selenium, and phosphorus, all essential for muscle growth, immune function, nervous system function, energy production, and maintaining healthy blood and bones.


There are only really two types of salmon that are available for purchase at local supermarkets, that is wild caught salmon and farmed salmon.  Wild-caught salmon typically has a much better omega-3 to omega-6 ratio and nutritional profile than that of farmed salmon. However, wild caught salmon can contain a higher level of contaminants compared to farmed salmon (still well below maximum levels applicable in the European Union) and also comes at a more expensive price. Farmed salmon is salmon raised in sea cages and pens, that mainly feed on a diet consisting of fish meal, plant proteins, and added color and nutrients. Those with ethical concerns about the environmental impact are probably better off opting in for wild salmon, however both options are extremely beneficial to add into your diet as salmon is rich in high-quality protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins D and B12, and minerals like selenium, supporting heart health, brain function, energy metabolism, bone health, muscle function, and immune system strength.

Investing in the best quality produce can allow you to achieve that next level optimization to better your health and well-being. However, if you are someone transitioning from a highly processed diet to eating more whole foods, I would not worry too much about labels found on the eggs or beef you buy. Just making the jump to purchasing these foods and including them in your diet will already make a massive difference in your everyday life and health. Make the attempt to eat more whole foods, but also keep in mind that just because a food is processed does not make it bad for you. If you like having chips or other snacks throughout the day that is completely fine. Just try to make a more conscious effort to buy items that contain more nutritional value, less artificial additives, less added sugars, less calories, and fewer ingredients. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good!

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Nico Defreitas-Hansen
Professional Soccer Player